Space Design Maker


Discover our online offers and pack of renderings.

The cost of a 3D rendering varies according to several factors, mainly:

  • Space area, number of spaces and sub-spaces
  • Nature and complexity of the project
  • Number of elements to include (furniture/textures)
  • Number of views required (between 10€ and 30€ each)

NB: The modeling price must be added to the renderings below to obtain the total cost.

Modelling pricing

3D modeling for less than 40m2:

Between 115€ and 200€

3D modeling for 40m2 to 100m2:

Between 200€ and 500€

3D modeling for 100m2 to 300m2:

Between 500€ and 1500€

3D modeling for more than 300m2:

starting from 1500€

Renderings pricing :

  • Simple 3D perspective: between 20 and 30€ each (depending on complexity)
  • Panoramic view 360°: between 30 and 40€ each
  • Virtual tour: according to panoramic views included
  • Axonometric view: between 10 and 20€ each
  • 3D Ambience view*: between 30 and 40€ each

    * Not to be confused between Ambience view and Simple perspective view (see page ambiences)

NB: the final cost is obtained by adding the various pricings above.